Fly Paper or Honey?

I  can hear my mother’s voice: “You know, you catch more flies with honey than fly paper.”  Never mind that nobody on earth uses fly paper anymore, right? But the principle is still true: Try a little kindness.

Was I challenged today!  A few mistakes discovered in something done by someone else, and I am pacing back and forth tempted to growl.  I walked into my office, sat down, and thought about fly paper.  I found my body, rigid as it had been with anger, starting to relax.  I let it go.

I even rewrote a snarky email today!  Going as it was to an opposing counsel that I find sniveling at best and outrageous at worst, still, I strove to rephrase it.  It sounded stilted, edited, and a bit phony.  Oh well. It’s only been 8 days!

As a total aside, I also found myself losing patience without someone who wanted to repeat the same story to me over and over.  I thought about the word “empathy” and realized that my voice held nothing like that; I sounded impatient.  Pressed for time, overworked, not expecting to have to even meet with this person let alone talk with them for close to 45 minutes,  I grew agitated and had to remind  myself that this person was an individual human being. I tried. I slowed down. I told the person just sit, tell me, talk.  But I know she had heard my frustration and the moment to show genuine empathy had passed.

*sigh*  So, a good day for not complaining; not so much for Nonviolent Communication!  Like quitting smoking and going on a diet the same week — challenging!!!!

So…there’s always tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “Fly Paper or Honey?

  1. Robyn

    Perhaps it is because I work in law and know what attorneys must deal with, but I think you did a great job. It starts with small steps, but those small steps lead to long strides.

    In law, as in elsewhere, time is money. Also, protection of your client is of utmost importance. Sometimes these two elements do not mesh well. It is a stressful environment to begin a year without complaining. You are doing a lovely job so far.



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