Find Me On The Internet


I sold an article!  Find it HERE!  While you are there, explore other articles about dealing with medical issues as a patient, family member, or care provider.  This cool site seems to be a labor of love, but they paid me for my article and I could not be happier to break into the “paid article” market for the first time in forty years!

My YouTube Channel   I’m having a good time posting cell phone videos of My Tiny Life.  I’ve moved to a tiny house on wheels which I’m currently parking at Park Delta Bay, a 10-acre former KoA campgrounds which has long-term trailer / mobile / RV parking.  They seek to establish a true tiny house village and encourage THOW parking!

My First Seven Years of Saturday Musings In June of 2008, I started sending a weekly post on Saturday morning to a lawyer’s listserve.  Eventually, I went to the cloud and thus began Saturday Musings.  For the first eight years, I blogged at blogspot.  I’m currently compiling them into a collection!  Stay tuned for news of that!

2017 Saturday Musings For a year, I posted my musings here on this web locale.

My Eyes Are Watching You: Social and Political Commentary tendered as often as I can stomach!


Yours Mugwumpishly,

Corinne Corley, aka The Missouri Mugwump(tm)