Pet Peeves

As I cooked today, I had to scoot around my dog more times than I can count.  I kept saying, “Little Girl, go lie down!”  She would slink away but sneak back when I wasn’t paying attention.  I would put her outside, and she would bark up a storm!  We used to have unpleasant neighbors who didn’t like our dog, so I am always worried that someone will leave me nasty notes as the wife of that couple did. So I let her back into the house.  She lingered under foot; I shooed her away.  And like that.  All afternoon.

This got me thinking about pet peeves.  Annoying little habits other people have; common grammar mistakes that make one wince; the sound of someone’s voice that grates on  our nerves.  I’m thinking of making a list of my pet peeves and then performing a cleansing ritual, like burning the list.

What’s your pet peeve? And are you ready to let it go up in smoke?

2 thoughts on “Pet Peeves

  1. Pat

    Your little dog is just wanting to be with you. She is expressing her love and devotion to you the only way she can, by being as close to you as possible. I call Ciara my house slipper, as she often comes and lays down on my feet when I am standing somewhere. I learned years ago to do the yorkie shuffle rather than normal walking in the house so not to step on a four pound ball of fur. So give Little Girl some slack and know that she cares and is showing it the only way she can. 🙂

    1. ccorleyjd365 Post author

      You’re probably right, Pat; or maybe she just wanted some of the bacon that I was frying to be the base for my soup!!!!


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