As  I slid south on 71, aka 49, tension eased and I felt myself drawing closer to a town that I once called home with sweet anticipation.  I don’t quite understand how I managed to endear myself to Brian and Trudy (MacDonald) Aldridge, but I have and now their guest room holds my satchel and my writer’s bag.  I’m here, on the porch.  Brian putters in the kitchen getting vegetables ready for the grill.  His daughter Christina has gone to fetch Trudy from work.  A delicious breeze drifts through the screens and their little dog darts back and forth on the lawn, his tags jingling.  How can I even think of complaining, when a hammock sits just outside the window, a cool swathe of green spans the view all around me, and the shimmering afternoon light kisses the row of flowers at the far corner of their yard?  I could not; I do not.  I have come to Aldridge Acres for some tender, loving care and I fully expect that when I leave on Sunday, the afterglow will endure for many days.


3 thoughts on “TLC

  1. Brian A.

    A wonderful afternoon and evening. Thank you for sharing some back porch time with us. Get your running shoes on for tomorrow. 🙂

  2. Trudy A

    Tomorrow we will have a nice brunch, watch a parade in celebration of our friends, do some clutter shop hunting, eat and then go listen to some wonderful local music. We really love being able to spoil you a little bit.


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