In the midst of uncertainty, peace

I got good news today. No tumor.  Shew!  Dodged another bullet.  Of course, we still have no explanation for my dizziness (hold the remarks, please) but that particular one would have been extremely unpleasant and it didn’t happen.  It seems I get yet another chance to evolve into my best self.

It’s been 17 years since a doctor told me I had about six months to live.  He didn’t know how wrong he was; he died less than a year later.  The virus which awakened ravages on but I also keep going, one step ahead of it.  Some call me relentless, persistent; I just trod forward, step by step, wearing whatever form of smile I can wrap around my heart.  I don’t know what tomorrow holds; but I feel ready to let go and live in the center of it.

My friend Ramona Kennedy posted a quote on her Facebook page yesterday which resonates with me:

“You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. The great acts of love are done by those who are habitually performing small acts of kindness. We pardon to the extent that we love. Love is knowing that even when you are alone, you will never be lonely again.  The great happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. Loved for ourselves and even loved in spite of ourselves.”
― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

Today I luxuriate in the possibility of love and kindness.  I dare to hope that even in spite of myself, I can be kind, and I can be loved.  In the midst of uncertainty, I feel peace.

8 thoughts on “In the midst of uncertainty, peace

  1. Annie

    Hey you! Yeah you – over there with the red hair. Pay attention please!

    You are loved so much you’ll never fully grasp it, and let me tell you all that love swirling around has an amazing affect on your life. Your body might be a royal PITA, but that love? Well that love will keep it in at least toeing the line.

  2. Susan M

    Corinne~ yay! So, so relieved (and happy) for you that your received such good news! My children and I have definitely been on the receiving end of your kindness and love, and are more grateful than you can imagine. I, for one, think that you are amazing and am really glad that don’t have plans to leave any time soon!

    1. ccorleyjd365 Post author

      Susan, you deserve EVERYTHING, every drop of happiness and I was honored to be the instrument of some measure of peace in your lives.

  3. Cindy Cieplik

    Perhaps you have also learned to listen to your body, after all, health is a relationship with our body.
    Listening to your body, AND responding to it’s messages more than listening and following blindly what others tell us about our physical limitations, our genetic predispositions, even the ‘medical’ diagnoses thrust on us, has been and always will be the wellspring of healing, recovery, and renewal. That’s the way it is. Too much evidence to not see the truth. I see it every day now, ever since I turned away from the grips of traditional medicine.
    I am not a fanatic–there is a place for all healing methods. However, the prominence of traditional western medicine has wreaked havoc on our health, or lack of it.
    Your post eloquently acknowledges the spiritual aspect of your journey. And, I believe your relationship with your body has several components, including methods to make it the miracle it is intended to be. And when the body is functioning at its’ highest’ potential of health, it supports happiness in all aspects of our lives. And so it is. 🙂 Love you Corinne!

  4. Linda Overton

    I’m so happy to know that you don’t have a tumor. I do hope that the doctors can discover the source of your dizziness. (assuming it isn’t inborn. lol). You know that you have my love and best wishes for your wellness.


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