I’d complain, but…..

When you ask people how they are, they usually reply, “Oh, I can’t complain.  Well, I’d complain, but nobody would care!”  The lady who waited on me at the HyVee last night handed me that line. I told her that I, for one, would care, and invited her to complain away. She seemed a bit taken aback and perhaps a little offended.

The exchange set me to wondering what people expect from their interactions.  I talk to clerks every day.  I try to lay some pleasantry on them: comment on their names, their appearance, all favorably.  I lug my bags to the car and ruminate over what has transpired, perhaps somewhat obsessively.  Have I behaved in a manner that met that person’s need to be treated decently by customers?  That’s my goal.  That’s where I aim.

I cast my mind back to interactions where I haven’t done so.  Recently:  The Google Fiber guy, the tenth or fifteenth technician to try to get our Google Fiber working. While he was out moving his van from the handicapped space in front of our house, my son raised his eyebrows at me.  Mom, he remarked.  That man is a guest in our home and you just chewed him out for where he parked.  Guilty as charged.

The net goes back farther:  Waitresses at whom I’ve snapped; the pharmacy clerk — though admittedly, nobody likes her; the office personnel at a doctor’s office where I was trying to get records.  I’m a little ashamed.  Gosh, I find myself wondering:  I was pretty awful; I sure hope I’ve changed.

The conversation with the Google Fiber guy rose to a happier level as we sat and experimented with new settings.  I haven’t chewed out a server in quite a while, maybe months, maybe a year.  The people in most — if not all — of my current doctors’ offices seem to like me, which I think indicates that I’ve managed to treat them all well.

I drove through Starbucks in Liberty recently and told the young man at the window that everyone who works there overwhelms me with niceness.  He flashed a brilliant smile.  That’s how we roll here, he told me.

I like it.  I really like it.  I think I’ll roll along in that direction for a while, and see what shakes out.  As for the HyVee lady, I’ll recognize her, and next time, I’ll try to seem more genuine, if that was the problem; or at least, I’ll give her a chance to see that one or two people in the world would care about her complaints, and maybe even empathize.  And I’m one of them.

3 thoughts on “I’d complain, but…..

  1. Annie

    There are days when I don’t want to talk to those servers or cashiers; I just want to be left alone. Actually to be honest, I feel like that a lot. Oh I smile brilliantly and exchange inane conversation – but all I’m really thinking is… please…. please….

    It’s not that I don’t care, it’s that I haven’t got anymore room right now. I’m trying to figure out how to survive (financially, physically and of course emotionally) – and the proverbial ‘Inn’ is full.

    I’m sure it will be better some day, but not today… not tomorrow… and probably not next month either.

  2. Cindy Cieplik

    This post brings up a lot for me. Too much to go into here–because I have a house to clean, and set the clock to get serious about that like right now!

    But one quickie–when I decide to be cheerful/happy, fill in the ______, then I am. However, that decision needs to be re-made through the day, and therein lies the rub! Self-awareness is the challenge. I’m a recovering complainer, and that’s a much better place than where I used to be!

    You, dear Friend, are making strides in leaps and bounds! I love that, and you. 🙂

  3. Brian A.

    I’m the one known most in my circle for being human to the servers, the cab drivers, the people who are used to and sometimes most comfortable be invisible or having a bubble around them. No, I don’t want to know all about their lives and I don’t want to tell them all about mine. I’m not THAT guy. We aren’t going to talk sports or whatever. But I’m friendly and make eye contact and wait for them to return the gesture. Even in cities where it is regarded very strange or even maybe creepy, I do it.

    But I have a dirty little secret. 🙂 I do it as much for me as I do it for them. I’m not going to go through my life passing by humans and not touch them and be not touched by them. We will be pleasant and we will not pretend the other does not exist. Whether they like it or not. “Hey, how you doing?”


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