
Today I am grateful for my hypercoagulable state which dictates my need for warfarin, a blood-thinner.  Without the nasty virus which triggers my blood to thicken as it courses through my veins, I’d have no need for this medication and thus would not bruise easily.  Without the softball-size bruise on my thigh, I would have no tangible reminder of the helpfulness of the two Vulcan’s Forge employees who came out to the sidewalk to hoist my sorry self back to a vertical position in response to my frantic babbling over the cell phone.

As I exited my car to cross the sidewalk towards Vulcan’s Forge yesterday, I dodged a sheaf of sugar-gum pods scattered on the sidewalk by the fierce winds.  I told myself, Oh no you don’t!  Not again!!! I flashed on a day two years ago when I dragged my computer to Tea Drops to console myself for new and ragged troubles with a pot of Earl Grey.  I fell then, too; tripped by the same dastardly trick of nature.  The owner and two customers catapulted through the front door and lifted me from the sidewalk.  Later, settled at a table with my tea — on the house — I opened my computer and blogged about the kindness of strangers.

I forgot to be careful when I left Vulcan’s Forge yesterday. I turned my ankle, toppled to the ground, and banged my head on the sidewalk.  But thankfully, the clerk had given me a receipt. I pulled it from my pocket, called inside the store, and the cavalry came!  Falling might be my second job, as someone once observed; but I can’t get myself off the ground without a handhold.  Those Vulcan’s Forge employees saved my bacon!  See?  The kindness of strangers. . .

It’s the ninth day of the twenty-sixth month of My Year Without Complaining.  My days hold much richness. Gratefulness overwhelms me.  Life continues.


The talented silversmiths at Vulcan’s Forge replaced the clasp on my lovely antique butterfly pin.




Happy birthday to my beloved shared daughter, Tshandra White!

Because of you, I no longer remember February 09th as the anniversary of getting run over by a car!  Instead, it shall always be the anniversary of the birth of a beautiful woman whom I am proud to call “daughter”.  Have a FABULOUS day!



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