About what cheers us

My father-in-law’s cousin Anne Jones dedicated herself for many years to training service dogs.  She currently has a service dog herself, one which she trained.  Her dog’s name is Katie.  Katie is a cocker and Cavelier King Charles Spaniel mix.

Ms. Jones and Katie visit my father-in-law, often when I am also there.  I would not have expected Jabez MacLaughlin to be so fond of this little dog, but he demonstrates that fondness.  We scheduled a visit for today.  I had been to see him earlier in the day, bringing his absentee ballot, which he cast with me as his certified assistant.  And as much as he wanted to cast his vote, he also wanted to know if Anne and Katie would be there to see him.

In fact, he asked that question by phone this morning, right after asking if I had secured his ballot.  I had to tell him “not yet” to the first question, but could respond in the affirmative with respect to the planned visit from the little service dog.

And so they came, and Katie got upon the bed, and lay quietly by my favorite curmudgeon, who reached one hand to pet her sweet head.  I am grateful to that little dog for cheering Jay.  And to Anne Jones, for training her, for bringing her, and for sharing her with a man whom I love and who himself loves his cousin and her dog.

I posted this picture earlier in another blog entry, but I wanted you to see it again.  He is much sicker now, but I don’t think it would be quite fair to post the pictures I took at their visit today, no matter how dear I might find them to be.  We should safeguard the sensitivities of those whom we love, especially when they cannot stand to do so for themselves. I learned this lesson by unfortunate experience, but now that I have learned it, I abide by it.

As I drove home tonight, I thought about the kindness of the people at the election board and of Anne Jones.  I found myself sobbing as I drove, in part because I love my father-in-law so much and dread losing him.  But my tears also flowed from some sense that the world’s goodness overwhelms me.  The people in Olathe bent over backwards during a very busy morning to help me insure that my favorite curmudgeon got to vote.  And Anne Jones stood patiently while her sweet little dog brought him a half-hour of happiness.  With such people in the world, surely there is still hope for humankind.

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This photo of Jay and Katie was taken two months ago, but the smile which you see here on his face appeared again today when Katie visited.


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