100 acts of kindness

I’m celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Rotary Foundation by engaging in 100 acts of kindness, one each day for 100 days.  I’m not going to broadcast what I’ve done or blog about the individual actions which I undertake to fulfill my commitment.

I mention it here because this blog provides a place for me to be accountable for my quest to learn complaint-free living.  I long to fully embrace joy, a goal that still eludes me.  How goes your journey?  Have you found your path to peace?  If so, please reply and tell us about it.  Me and all the folks who read.  Post it here, so everyone can see — not just on Facebook, where so many of you are kind enough to comment.  Believe it or not, a lot of people don’t read or post on social media!

So tell us — what are you doing to reach for joyful living?  GO!

It’s the third day of the thirty-fourth month of My Year Without Complaining.  Life continues.


6 thoughts on “100 acts of kindness

  1. Ruth

    I live my life in gratitude all day long. Being grateful seems to draw blessings. I also practice meditation and mindfulness. I look for joy all around me. I do creative work, I love colors and I see beautiful ones everywhere. I appreciate the kindnesses of others. Yes, I am at peace. The flowers, the sky, the produce at the supermarket all remind me that the entire universe supports me. I am grateful to live in such a world. I regret I can’t do more for others.
    100 acts of kindness. Day one. Thanks for the inspiration. You have to at least share some ideas.

    1. ccorleyjd365 Post author

      Ruth, thank you. Sharing your mindful, joyful attitude counts as today’s act of kindness, my friend. A smile, stopping to retrieve something which another has dropped, bringing an orange for a co-worker, holding the door for someone — all of these are acts of kindness which cost nothing except small efforts. I know you, Ruth; you do things like this for others. Keep it up! You inspire me!

  2. Linda Overton

    I have not reached a state of total peace as yet but I am inspired by your blog to try to achieve that goal. With the dementia of my husband, it is more difficult but my friends are telling me I am strong enough to get there. I hope they are right.

    1. ccorleyjd365 Post author

      Oh, Linda. I have not seen you and Frank for so long, I had not realized things had devolved. You remain in my thoughts. I agree with your other friends; you are strong. Frank is lucky to have you.

  3. Pat

    Today is Monday, and on Mondays I always start my morning at Starbuck’s and buy for the car behind me and tell the server at the window to tell the person to have a great week. A little thing, and costs so little, but somehow it also makes my week better to hope I put a smile on someone’s face. Happy Monday!

    1. ccorleyjd365 Post author

      Happy Monday, Pat! I like that “pay it forward” or in this case, BACKWARD! Very nice. I had someone at the Liberty Starbucks do that for me one time. A lady had parked her car to get out and rummage in the back. I went around her, and she pulled alongside of me and swore at me. The driver of the car ahead of me paid for my order and told the clerk to tell me that I had not deserved to be sworn at, and she wantd me to know that not everybody in Liberty is that ugly! (Her words, not mine.) It did make me smile!


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