When the Sun Won’t Shine

As I stepped out into the bright sunshine today, i realized that I find it much easier to refrain from complaining in lovely weather.  I chuckled to myself as I walked around the broken cat-food scoop on which our postal carrier apparently set a package, and the water dish on which we know he did because he confessed as much to my son.  Oh, well, what’s a little crushed plastic?  Rain, sleet, snow, all that jazz — and we still get our mail?  Note to self, find new food scoop and put shards of old one in the recycle bin.

I skirted around the piles of dead leaves that didn’t get raked in the fall and are now soupy soggy messes under foot.  No matter, I’ve got on sturdy shoes!  As I opened the car door, a speeding vehicle raced by, easily doing ten or fifteen miles over the speed limit.  On other days, I would have shaken my fist at him. But under the azure sky of a strangely warm January day, I didn’t blink.

As I started the car’s engine, still smiling, it occurred to me that I might be dreaming!  “If I dream, let me go on sleeping….”.

When the sun won’t shine, I find it very difficult to be pleasant.  Under its warming rays, I can shake off adversity without a grumble.  This tells me that I’ve yet to truly internalize my new resolve to live complaint-free.  Perhaps I should move to a warmer climate?  She says, laughing, as she raises the blinds in her office and lets the sun’s sweet rays flood the room.


2 thoughts on “When the Sun Won’t Shine

  1. Linda C Overton

    I sympathize with this feeling. It is definitely much easier to stay complaint free in warm, sunny weather.

  2. ccorleyjd365 Post author

    Linda, Linda! I’ve never heard you complain! You must be a closet complainer!!!! You’ve got one of the sunniest dispositions on the planet!


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