Looking forward

I had never thought to have a second office this late in life but Patricia Reynolds persuaded me that doing so made sense.  About 20% of my practice involves Clay County cases, and I do enjoy my work north of the river.  Pat connected me with her landlady, and away I went.   Now my name graces two directories and I find myself with a regular 4-days-here, 1-day-there schedule.  It’s a bit late in life for this much change, but I’m not complaining.  I’m looking forward.

Forward.  That’s unusual for me.  I spend a lot of time contemplating the past.  But this move, more than anything else, has me considering the future.  Not necessarily a future as a full-time Liberty lawyer, but certainly a future as a happy woman.  My life  might be quirky; it might set some to shaking their heads and wondering.  I think my destiny has always been written with scattered crystals and leftover beads.

Jenny Joseph would be proud of me.


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