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Between 2:30 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. today, I reimagined my life.  Everything which I would not now choose to do, became undone.  In the same breadth, all that I would now embrace, came to pass.  I fell asleep 45 minutes before the alarm rang.

A shower, throw on clothes, scramble a dozen eggs, slam together nine egg-and-cheese sammies (three GF), feed the dog, out the door by 6:30 — reveries forgotten.  Within an hour, the Trolley Run Race to benefit the Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired (CCVI) began. With a motley gaggle of Waldo Brookside Rotarians, I stood and cheered every racer, every walker, every stroller, a few wheelchairs, and this princess, pictured here, walking with her assistive cane.  Her adult, sighted companion told her that she had an audience, and she straightened her shoulders and marched down Gregory Blvd. like an invincible Warrior princess on a mission to save the world.

I couldn’t in my wildest dreams conjure a better way to start my Sunday.

It’s the twenty-fourth day of the twenty-eighth month of My Year Without Complaining.  No regrets. Life continues.

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