Proof of life

Everything looks better in the morning, even me: My eyes seem to shine again, my legs don’t hurt as much, I see both the forest and the trees.  Here on the porch, I can raise my face and swear I see heaven above the crown of the maple, on the other side of the early morning lingering haze.  As the breeze ripples the newspaper and shakes the line of the coffee in my cup, it’s easy to feel hopeful, simple to cast aside the bleakness which weighs so heavily on me in darker hours.  There’s life here, I’ve proof of that.  Our old boy cat sleeps beneath a deck chair, and one of my geraniums has gotten a second, startling, vibrant growth of flowers.  As the American flag waves from the front pillar, and the workers across the way start to haul ladders from the roof of their trucks, I lift my face to the kiss of the morning sun, and think that I, too, perhaps shall live.

Pablo, our outdoor boycat, posing after his breakfast.

Pablo, our outdoor boycat, posing after his breakfast.

One of my hardier geraniums, in a pot that came from the window sill garden which my mother-in-law Joanna and I created in her room at The Sweeet Life last summer.

One of my hardier geraniums, in a pot that came from the window sill garden which my mother-in-law Joanna and I created in her room at The Sweet Life last summer.

4 thoughts on “Proof of life

  1. Mary Hempen Quinn

    Corinne, you have found me on Facebook and I decided to find out what your year without complaining was all about. I am sorry I have overlooked your posts. As I read your writings, I am intrigue. I am going to have a marathon of reading your posts! Thank you. mary

    1. ccorleyjd365 Post author

      Mary, thank you. Your comment was awaiting my approval, and your alerting me on FB sent me to the dashboard. I am very pleased both to have found you and to give you some reading material. My journey has been much more challenging than I had thought it would be. It’s not over yet. But I persevere!

      If you want to read my weekly blog, you can find it at I have been doing that for about six years and it is about my memories, my cases, my friends, my family, and other plot twists of my life! You might even see a reference or two to my Corpus days! Enjoy!

      1. ccorleyjd365 Post author

        P.S., now that you have once been approved, you won’t have to be approved to comment in the future. I do enjoy reading what people write, so feel free to share!


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