Of Gardens and Gods

The temptation to complain yesterday nearly overwhelmed me.  After arriving home at  3:00 a.m., I arose at seven to start my work day by 8:30 with a client coming at 9:30.  For a few teetering moments, I lamented my impulsive dash out west to celebrate my sixtieth birthday, particularly the six-hour detour on Monday to see the Garden of the Gods.

But then I scroll through the pictures on my cell phone, the snaps which don’t come close to conveying the stark, majestic beauty of the place.  The tension eases from my shoulders.  I lift my coffee cup and gaze again at my feeble effort to record a tiny fraction of the splendor which surrounded us in Colorado.  And I have no regrets; I voice no complaint; I am content to slog my way through five days of work in a four-day week.

How can I complain about anything which I might endure, when a six-hour detour brings me to a symphony of earth and sky?




Here is a LINK to the Wikipedia about the Garden of the Gods.

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