Behind the clouds

I spent the hour during which the tornado touched down in southern Jackson County talking on the phone with my son in Los Angeles.  The house alarm bleeted every few minutes, reminding me of the tornado watch.  I turned the television to the Weather Channel and followed the scene until it seemed we had skated through, my little corner of Brookside wet but otherwise intact.  I stood on my porch and watched the sun setting where its crimson rays managed to break through the heavy clouds.  I came home this evening with a  burden in my heart.   But it has lifted.  The pressure seems to have eased.  Behind the clouds, the sun slips down below the horizon with a promise that it will return.

0701152054 0701152055 0701152055a 0701152055b 07011520550701152054b(1)A few snaps taken at various angles with my little LG cell phone, seconds apart,

show the world trying to right itself after the passage of the storm.

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