Good luck

Yesterday I found three pennies.  I picked each from the spot where I spied the copper coin and stuck them in my pocket.

I’ve never been a person who required that the penny be “heads up” to bring good luck but these all were.  In my childhood, the ditty went, “Find a penny, pick it up, all the day, you have good luck.”  Only later did I hear the “heads up” version but I reject it.

We make our own luck, don’t we?  And finding a coin on the ground around my house usually means that I’ve dropped my purse and the coins spilled some days or even months ago.  But still:  I could use a little good fortune especially of the unexpected variety, so I’m not knocking the fortuitous discoveries.

As I prepared for bed last evening, I folded the jeans I had worn and all three pennies tumbled to the floor, clacking as they hit the hardwood.  My instant thought:  If I leave them where they lay, can I find them tomorrow and garner another day of bounty?

I did have some unexpected gifts in my Sunday.  I discovered a new coffee shop, heard from a long-ago classmate who has been reading my blogs, and engaged in a satisfying conversation with someone about living in accordance with one’s beliefs.  All three experiences pleased me; and elevated an ordinary, even drab day into the realm of treasure.

Of course, there’s this:  I awakened yesterday; and again today.  I count myself lucky for having done so, even though at times I wonder if not awakening might be easier.  But then I hear my mother’s voice admonishing me:  Where there’s life, there’s room for improvement.  So I’m going to retrieve those pennies from my bedroom floor, and hope for the best — for good luck, or for the presence of mind to see a chance for forward movement and grab it.


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